Artificial Intelligence Primer – AI overview, foundations and approach to unlocking value from AI

1:45 - 2:45 p.m.

Session Objective:

  • Gain an overview of AI technology and understand its potential impact on driving competitive advantage and business transformation
  • Develop a practical understanding of AI through a simulation
  • Understand key steps to get AI started right in your organization


  • AI overview – 10 min
    • Evolution
    • Art of the possible
  • AI foundation – 25 min
    • Basic AI concepts
    • AI Simulation game demo
    • AI limitations and dangers
  • How to get started – 10 min
    • Three Decisions and Three Catalysts framework
    • Roadmap for the AI Journey
  • Conclusion – Key Takeaways  – 5 min
  • Q&A – 10 min



Presented by:

Laks Srinivasan